[Update] How to Make SEO Friendly Blog
seo is method by which you canget more visitor to your blog.
many online companies or seo
service giver site available . they do
seo of your site but they charge for it.
if you do not know much about seo.
that may be better option to rank
your blog or site high .. but if you
are learner and that is also better
option .. you gain knowledge ..
How to do it
first thing is that you make a blog.this is the very first step of your
seo. and blogging also.make a good
title of your blog while making a blog.
choose blog title name related to content
that you will add in your blog.
next thing make post only related to your
blog. make good ,easy to use navigation.
it help visitor to go to their desired content.
make post of low competition ... or post of less
choose good keyword for your post title.
add quality content... write enough material
add popular post .. labels and related post
Problem is that every body want quick
one eye blink method ..but there is no way
it takes time and effort ..