[Update] How To Increase Post Width In Dynamic View of Blogger
Some user make post of long title and due to short width template can not display it full.today i will tell you how to maximize post width in blogger dynamic view template.
you can see in above sample image the width of post increased .
Follow few steps
1 login to blogger account
2 Go to template and click customize
3 Choose advance and click add css
4 Now paste the below code there
you can see in above sample image the width of post increased .
Follow few steps
1 login to blogger account
2 Go to template and click customize
3 Choose advance and click add css
4 Now paste the below code there
max-width: 2000px !important;
.viewitem-panel .viewitem-content, .classic li.item, .article, .ss {
max-width: 1750px !important;
5 Now apply to blog and now visit your blog to make sure that it is working fine.