[Update] How To Remove Blogger Dynamic View Menu Options

when you apply dynamic view template in blogger blog then it also show the option at the left top corner to change the view of dynamic template.Any visitor can change it  so some blogger not like and want to remove this drop own option to change view.If you choose classic dynamic view then you have other options of dynamic template that are

Flipcard, magazine, mosaic, sidebar, snapshot and timeslide

dynamic menu list
                            hide menu viewlist

Before                                                                After

As you can see in above image before there is option to change view and when you remove template do not show dynamic view options to change it.so we can hide view options.

How to hide dynamic menu option

1 First go to blogger and login to your account

2 Go to template and Click customize

3 Go  to advanced and then go to add css

4 Now paste the below code there and click apply yo blog

.menu {display: none;}.header-drawer{margin-left: -5px !important;}

You can visit your blog to make sure It is working properly on your blog.

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