[Update] Difference of white hat seo and black hat seo
Types of seo
White hat practice is a technique, when Search Engine Optimization for a website is completed search engine's supported rules.most of web developers use white hat SEO.This type of technique is so good and search engine supports this type of technique.and your blog ranked high in google .This technique is natural and it gives the high natural traffic in a website.
what is black hat seo
Black hat practice is a technique when Search Engine Optimization is compelete.search engine get it. This method is not effective and it is illegal and sometimes search engine banned the websitethis activity. doing black hat practice you may possible to increase page rank but it is also impossible to keep your blog constant
in search engine so thats why you should do white hat seo. This method is Unethical SEO. Most of the bad web developer
practices this type of method.
white hat seo
Natural practice is the good type of SEO method by doing organic practices you do not get the really good result . you need patience, time and experience and do white hat SEO techniques.it take sometime you can not do in one day.I is used to gain quality visitors and it is liked by google and all popular search engine.white hat seo is user friendly and search engine friendly actually it is method to get good visitors.