[Update] How To Add Adsense Ad Above Header In Blogger

Google adsense is a cool way to earn money with blogger but you must have traffic to your blog.you can place you ads on sidebar or above header.blogger template is fully in your hand, you can put ad gadget above header or below post.whatever place you like you put your ad in your blog, its all your choice but mostly blogger put their adds near gadget. and Suppose if we add adsense near popular header navbar,it increase the probability of click on ads.More clicks on ads and you will earn more.Hence header is important place to put ads for more clicks.Putting ad above header is most liked place, adding adsense banner is easy in sidebar or in footer because we have option of add a gadget by default in sidebar and in footer mostly than header.

how to add adsense ad above blogger header

Why to add adsense banner above navbar before blog title

In most of blogger template add a gadget option above header is not available.To put ad above header we must have add a gadget option so we make a gadget option in blogger layout and then we will add adsense ad above header.when we created option of gadget adsense ads will appear above navigation menu above header.It is nice place to put ads because it is most near to header navigation menu and visitors click on different pages in header menu, can click ads.Ads also help visitors  and blogger,blogger can make money through blog via adsense.Adsense is the most likely platform by bloggers to earn money.Header is perfect place to for ads to increase revenue.you can withdraw money from adsense when you reach minimum amount limit.

1 Login to Blogger account

2 Go to template and edit Html

3 Search below code

'header' id 

IT  Look like this
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'> 

custom adsense places to put ad in blogger

NOTE: You may find 2 instances of maxwidgets in the template, so
make sure you edit the one that under class=’header’

4 Now all you have to do is simply change the value of maxwidgets from ‘1’ to your required number, depending on how many gadgets you need to add. In this case, we’ll just use ‘3’.

5 Also, change the showaddelement value from no to ‘yes’.
6 Now Save the template

7 Go back to layout section

8 You should now see a new ‘Add a Gadget’ button above your header

9 Add a HTMl/javascript gadget above header and put your adsense code in the gadget, save it and you are done.

Visit your blog to confirm, if you face any problem, you can ask me in comments.

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