[Update] How to put Adsense ads Any where in Blogger

Adsense is a most famous advertise company. you can promote your business and your site .most trusted and reliable many blogger wan to monetize their blog with adsense to make money but google adsense is very strict policies .many other company also provide service to monetize your website .

put adsense in blogger sidebar and footer

how to add adsense ad sidebars

go to your google adsense account
select ads and get html code

layout gadget

after that go to blogger layout
add html/javascript gadget 

now paste that code in gadget and place gadget where you want by 
draging it , this is how you can put adsense add any where.Most likely format for sidebar are 125x125 ,120x600 ,160x600, 300x600.

To place adsense in footer go to template and edit html

search this

<div id='footer-wrapper'>

Paste adsense code after it save your template.formats for footer are 728x90, 728x15.you  are done.

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