[Update] Make Coloured Popular Post In Blogger

what are popular post

popular post are the gadget in blogger andit show what is popular in a blog. you can customize it as you want . mostly when you
add a gadget of popular post given by blogger it was not very awesome and good looking. and you want to make beautiful color popular post you many need a little effort. you need you do some simple stepsjust paste some of code in your html and you 
will get coloured popular post widget as you 
can see below.

 how to add colour popular post in blogger

go to template and edit html and jump and expand

step1: search for this

steps2: if you have no find it paste it below this

and end it with this code

copy and paste the code given below 

search this code

paste the following code before that

now find this code 

and delete untill </b:widget> but do not
delete </b:widget>. now paste given code above

now save template and you complete the process
vist your blog and you see coloured  popular

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