[Update] Make Stylish Popular Posts Widget or Gadget
importance of popular post gadget
blogger do not set widget by default but you caneasily add any widget from layout.. when you go
you layout , you can see add new gadget , click on
it and you see list of all gadget and widget.. just
select which you want to add. but by default blogger
has some simple widget but you can make these gadget
stylish , this help to design your blog and make it more
beautiful and attractive , also widget are very necessary
in any blog this help to deal visitor your blog easy
and efficient.popular post widget are automatically
count the mostly visited pages of your blog and show
it to your blog.
adding widgets in blogger
it is advised that you should add popular post widget
step 1: first login to your account and select your
blog .
step 2:as you can see in picture . you have to go in
step 3: click add gadget and pop up window open
chose popular post widget from the list and you
completed the process. visit your blog and
see most visited pages are in popular post. and it looks
how to add stylish popular post gadget
step4: first you have to copy the code given below
step5 : go to the template and click customize and then
choose advance as you can see in picture below
step 6 : paste the code that you have copied before and
click apply to blog. now visit your blog and see your stylish
popular post gadget appear .
Note: if it is not working then go to template edit html
and press ctrl+f inside code area and search for this code
]]></b:skin> and paste the code you have copied you may have to expand by pointing arrow on left side .