[Update] Make/Add Drop Down Menu in Blogger
drop down menu
blogger template has not drop downmenu as default , you have to add it.
if you had made a daily updated blog
and had multi content blog, you may
need of drop down menu so you can
manage your content easily.there will
be a simple menu and drop down menu
facbook , twitter icon on top and
search box at right side.adding drop
down menu is very beneficial it design
your blog .blogger design is very simple
and design is very significant part in
blog your blog design should be easy to
use .
how to add or make drop down menu n blogger
step1: first login to your blogger and go to
template and edit html.
step2: click any where inside code area and
press ctrl+f
step3: search this code.
step4: just above </header> paste given code
replace # with your link and replace text in blue.
step5: now search this code
step6: above it past give code
save your template and your drop down
menu is added. visit your blog to confirm