[Update] Top 950+ High PR Directory List Dofollow Submission

When we talk about web directory then its mean the list of site on internet.When you search on any directory in specific category it show list of site on internet related to that category.Directory can give you little information about sites what is mostly the title of site the url of site and the description.When you read the description you will know what they offer.Here is free directory list for submission but let me tell you why we need directory submission, what is the effect of submission.

Introduction to directory submission

Every blogger want traffic and good rank that is not a single day work there are many solid ways to increase traffic and rank and social media is also one the them i have seen some blogger that gain huge traffic and get good rank only from social media.This directory list is very good for seo and this directory list has high pr.Any way we are talking about directory submission so i will talk on my topic because if start tell other factor to increase traffic then this article become very long because there many things to discuss on that topic.Some directory are regional like asian directory american directory african directory.Below list also include common listing.Directory submission is good to make your site popular you can get extra traffic from specific source and It will help in ranking your site.

high pr dofollow submission

The site list below has huge site for blog submission.The  directory list is high pr if you do not know what is mean by pr its mean is page rank.So the list site given below is high page rank in search engine.High pr is very good for submission you will get backlink.All submission list will give you do follow backlink.Do follow backlink from high pr site will increase your  traffic.

Few things about directories

Now i will  tell you about types of directories.Some directories are free submission and some are paid the difference is that paid will approve your site quickly but if you submit site to free directory then you may have to wait.One types of directory list that accept link with reciprocal.Reciprocal mean you also have to give them backlink.Second type of directory list is instant approval they approve  directory listing immediately but their pr may be not one but you have advantage of quick approval.You have to place their directory link in your blog.High pr is very  important because it help in search engine optimization.Paid directory submission give feature directory listing means they show your blog to the top of category.

Some directory give permanent submission but some site give for six months and for one year they have different category  for site submission.Submitting link to directory list will help you in getting high ranking.Higher is your rank your traffic will become high or increase.Below  directory list is high pr but not belong to same pr.Some site are one pr other are two or there.Mostly directory are belong to one to pr ten.This directory list has high alexa rank.

Here is a huge  directory list of high pr directory now its your time to submit your site to this list.To add your blog in directory go to the link and click submit url and add blog.Provide them required information and click submit.

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