[Update] How Can Blogs Make Money-Trusted ways

When we Talk about making money online there are are lots of methods but it need patience make a blog grow traffic it depend on the content and try to monetize your content but i truly tell you keep your focus on your blog not money and grow it first should be your prime priority.No body gives you free money. people talk about free money but in actually it is not.till there are some site working offering to give you reward for views ads or you have to fill up some forms or have to edit data.paid survey and many other methods.But now a days making money by blog is very effective way to earn money.Blog is actually same a website.many
blogging plate forms are available its is free of cost and you can use for life time.For earning by blog you need a blog with some material.If you know less about blog See Also
 what is blog and how to make free blog
There are some comprehensive methods for earning by blog so we discuss one by one.
make money by blog

Advertisement Methods

Advertisement the first and most famous method .As from word you got a idea what you have to do. you have to show ads on your blog given by third party the take commission and give part of it for showing it on your blog.these ads can be added to your template by widget or you can manually put on your site where you want to place it.Revenue by ads calculated by different methods.mostly if is pay per click or pay per view.one of the advertising company is chitika while adsense is the most trusted because it is own by google.it means their is no chance of loss. you must paid
what you had earn by adsense.they pay to by pay per click or pay per impression while you can monetize you website by adfly so user have to skip ads while browsing and you earn by number of skip ads.pop up ads are also used on blog.while some visitor feel it annoying but it has market still.while beside adsense bing yahoo ads are also trused and mostly used to earning.

Affiliate program

Another method is affiliate program affiliate advertising is marketing channel where advertiser pay to blog owner to promoting their service or product.many affiliate networks working offering different advertisement.it is usually depends on commission on each sale It is calculated by epc which pay per click  pay per lead or pay per sale.it depends on the design and availability of the space on your blog and traffic the space in the header or in the body of content.the highly known affiliate marketing is the Amazon.but best affiliate is amazon associates.

From Data

As for a well know specialist thing the content is the main thing
but if you have a blog that can not upload on you blog and you can
use third party which also pay you for accessing your content on their site.

selling product or service

also you can enhance your earning by selling your own product or 
service many if you have small business you can make available to whole world and get extra income.

selling space

Other method is selling space directly to advertiser but it need traffic and space in your blog same as affiliate but difference is that their is no third party dealing. you can interact directly to advertiser. well you earning depends on format and size of space advertiser required.

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