[Update] Set Your Search Engine Optimatization For Your Blogger Blog In An Easy Way


Getting a strong SEO or setting strong SEO for Your blogger blog is difficult right?   You will put heads with Me that, Blogger blog, there is no requirement for plugins unlike the Wordpress which You will fixe a plugin and You found Your Seo bursted up!   Today,  we will be guilding and given You Guys HTML CODE for Your blogger blog seo. Bloggers, We all know that traffic is the root of blogging sphere, right?  Without traffic its unlike having a  "HORNEY BEFOR YOU AND NO SKILLS TO GET THE HORNEY",  *wink*  Yea! Blogging is sweet,  but having traffic kills it all.

 SEO traffic happen to be the best and free traffics,  how?  No sharing,  no publicity,  You don't stress to get it once You sucessfully set up and runing,  all You see is traffic from the SEARCH ENGINE [SEO].  Starting a blog is quite easy to manage it is the most difficult issue there,  that's the reason why You will see some bloggers today quiting blogging,  why? TRAFFIC!!! Yea!,  without traffic its just like delivery Your effort to a ground!  Now, setting Your blogger blog SEO required a little time patient,  why? because it will take couple of time to propagates and give Your choice desires.

 Let quickly dive to the main point for this article. Earlier say,  we will be guilding and giving You guys a HTML CODE,  mewhile,  this is called [META TAGS] how to do this? thus below the guilds and the given META TAGS.  Hey!, You must commit Your full attention to do this,  because You might be getting errors while doing this so,  be much committed to the given direction below:   NOTE:  Before You start anything to do with Your templates,  I encourage You to backup Your full templates, why?   Incase, You end up in messing up Your blog You can still recover it with Your reserve templete.  *wink*  Follow the bellow screenshot :


THIS IS THE PROCESS YOU WILL PASS THROUGH :- Therefore, lets make You known to them as follow:
 * Editing Of Meta Tags And The Page title [What is this?] Meta Tags are tags in the Hypertext Markup Language [HTML] that describes some aspect of the contents of a Web page. Meta tags are always inside templates,  it is identified with this tag >> <meta>.   And it's always appear in this form below:
<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1' name='viewport'/>


Make sure You have backup Your templetes before proceeding. To edit your meta tags you have to follow the steps below:-
Login to Your blogger blog dashboard.
Navigate to Themes> and  Click Edit Theme.


While in the templetes searching for the META TAGS  You can just press the CTRL+F place in the box <head> for quick search result. Then, the next thing you will see after the <head> tag is the meta tags.  You will identify it with <meta>, Meta Tags Start With <meta> of which tags like this will appear.   

 <meta content='YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION' name='keywords'/>
 Seeing the above META TAGS, replace your blog description, with Your Blog Description inside the meta tags.  Note:  The description will be shown on the search engines. The Keywords is the most important things inside the meta tags.  After being here, the social media tags,  You have to replace them with YOURS in the META TAGS.

 <meta expr:content='data:blog.title' property='og:site_name'/><link href='https://plus.google.com/YOUR USERNAME/posts' rel='publisher'/>
<link href='https://plus.google.com/YOUR USERNAME/about' rel='author'/>
<link href='https://plus.google.com/YOUR USERNAME' rel='me'/>
<meta content='xxxxx' name='google-site-verification'/>
<meta content='xxxxx' name='msvalidate.01'/>
<meta content='xxxxx' name='alexaVerifyID'/>
<meta content='Nigeria' name='geo.placename'/>
<meta content='Olabiyi Malik' name='Author'/>
<meta content='general' name='rating'/>
<meta content='id' name='geo.country'/>
<meta content='Facebook App ID here' property='fb:app_id'/>
<meta content='Facebook Admin ID here' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='en_US' property='og:locale'/>
<meta content='en_GB' property='og:locale:alternate'/>
<meta content='id_ID' property='og:locale:alternate'/>
<meta content='summary' name='twitter:card'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' name='twitter:title'/>
<meta content='@username' name='twitter:site'/>
<meta content='@username' name='twitter:creator'/>

After this, save Your templates and move to the second guilds. Here You will set the ROBOTS.TXT FILE. 
Move to setting as the bellow screenshot, nevigate to settings.  What is Robots.txt file?   Robots.txt is a text file webmasters create to instruct web robots (typically search engine robots) how to crawl pages on their website.  Nevigate to setting on Your blogger blog, on seach Preferences like the bellow screenshot.


You can create or generates Your site map here > https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/   Follow the guild there and generate Your site map, after You have sucessfully generate the site map.  Move back to Your blogger blog and past in the site map like the above screenshot.  After that, You save! *smile* You have sucessfully setting up Your SEO for Your blogger blog.  Please incase You encounter some errors while trying this, please state it in the comment box. THANK YOU!

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