[Update] Clickbank Marketing For Beginers 2018 - Making ClickBank Account For Unsupported Country Complete Guild: Part 2

Clickbank For Beginners 2018 - Part 2 - Clickbank  Training Creating Account For Unsupported Country

www.naijatroop.comClickbank Affiliate programme happens to be one of the best affiliate marketing for affiliate marketers. But, the sad news is that not all Countries can create an account [Clickbank] which is, not every country can this. In this short article, I will disclose you how you can create an account with click bank even if your country is not present while signing up. Is this possible?  With this method, it's 100% percent sure to create an account within a blink of an eye. Most of the time especially those that want to partner with Clickbank affiliates will end up not partnering because their his|her Countries is not present while creating the account. I believe this is one of the major reason while one to partner with them, right? With this articles, I will show you simple way to bypass this. Note: I didn't mean that you're creating the account with your current Country. This is what I mean, you're creating the account with those rich Country like UK or U.S.A.

Don't worry, you don't need to stress yourself to do this all is required from you is the ability to follow the instruction of this article guild lines. That's all you need to do!  Bellow are the few requirements required from you in order to do this:




*> A strong VPN. Recommend [CyberGhost] Premium or free trial for the purpose use.

*> Site to generate a fake address. I recommend you to use fakenamegenerator.

*> IP checker to confirm if truly Your IP address is changed. You can use [https://whatismyipaddress.com/] to confirm Your IP.

After getting the above requirement, you're good to go! So, let's begin the tutorial. In this tutorial articles, we going to use the UK as the case study for this tutorial. I recommend you to follow the guild as given to have a successful result.

FIRST GUILD: Download and install Your VPN. recommend [CyberGhost] Launch and select United - Kingdom as your Country. What this means is that immediately you switch the VPN to a Country selected you now appear at the Country location while browsing. You're now browsing from United - Kingdom this will help you sign up for this is your location Country is not acceptable.

SECOND GUILD: Now You've to confirm your location Country if truly your Country has been changed to the selected Country. To do this go to https://whatismyipaddress.com and check You location and IP address. NOTE:- You have to note down your state and region shown to you in https://whatismyipaddress.com/ while checking Your location and Country.

THIRD GUILD: Open the new tab and open Clickbank Account while your VPN is still connected. Fill your own personal details. Only the Country should be United - Kingdom. With another tab search for any fakenamegenerator, Hey! here, You must pay full attention because here might look somehow little bit complicated. After searching and get where to generate your fake address from, You must generate the same state and region shown to you in whatismyip. Example :

                     whatismyip show You:

                     City > Manchester State: England

Then You must find the address that will match with same state and city and Zip postal code.

FORTH GUILD: After success in the above guild, click the next button. Here you've to provide your Banks details. Just in the Bank name section, enter this in there > Standard Chartered. Or the best and most recommended way is to input your Payoneer account details. That's all!

NOTE:- After you've successfully signed up, You can change your Country and whatever you wish to switch to and make every change you need.

You've come to the end of this post. You have any question? please use the comment box!

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