[Update] Blogging Tut: How Create Free Blog with Free Domain Name
It's awesome if all the way seeking for help that regards to this post and you finally change your Blogspot URL domain name, isn't it? [solve your problem] At times its somehow harassing when your visitors notice that you're still using Blogspot. Of the number of emails [contacted us], We received all concerned are of this similar issue. In this dry economic we are today, its hard to get a domain name irrespective of your choice. At times, you want to start up blog but the finance is not to acquire you begin to ask many questions to yourself [how will start up this blog ?] Yea! its happens like this several times may be this [not enough fund to start up the blog event, you wanna start] can even terminate vision in creating a blog and share to the whole World what you got.
Hey! let's be real here and are mindful, okay! Let me share more enlightenment in this sphere. Forget the professional outlook of the blog you wanna create. Set your mind to your target. You can read my recent blog post here of which I title: How Can You Deal with People Who Don’t Believe Blogging Is a Real Job Sorry for too long with my writing, just the really wanna share with you guys. You can start up a professional blog with this platform :
The above platform is completely free with no cost. You can start up a blog using the above platform for a while you can decide to switch to a paid domain name and paid to host servicing [dot com and paid hosting] Does using any of this free platform has a negative impact in your blogging carrier? Its so real that most bloggers or upcoming bloggers will be like, using a free hosting is for "POOR BLOGGERS" woh!!! Is that it? Let me tell you this, if you wanna host on any platform that is of free hosting service, I there advise you to better host your blog on BLOGSPOT because there are a lot of features you will earn while partnering with them like ;
*> No hosting problem.
*> No bird weight limit
*> No limited storage. And many more!
While decided to move to paid hosting you can simpling move all your contents, [comments, images, pages, posts] to your newly paid hosting platform. Some will be like, hosting on Blogspot [I will not be able to design it to my taste]. Common! You can design Blogspot to your taste all you need is codes [html codes] then you're good to go! After determining your mind ton host on free hosting BLOGSPOT precisely, domain name? You can get a free domain like; dot CF. GQ. GA. TK to shorten your blogspot domain URL here you have nothing to scare of, scared of how to monetize it with GOOGLE ADSENSE..... You can apply and get approval from GOOGLE ADSENSE using dot CF. GQ. GA. TK if your contents are unique.
So, let's move to the main topic of this post [why this post was created]. [How to Manage Your Blogspot Domain With Free Domain] Managing your blogspot domain using any free domain service has to do with how you can link your free domain name with your blogspot. This post is made for those who find it hard and caught of their vision in creating the blog(s) each time they found them self here. Here, with the guilds provided here, you can simply do this without anyone by your side. Trust me, if you read this blog post to the end, you can create a free blog with free domain name [dot. tk, cf, GQ, ga] in just a few minutes.
How to Manage Your Blogspot Domain With Free Domain
FIRST GUILD:- After creating your blog spot using [www.yourdomain.blogspot.com] now you want to short it to something like, [www.youtdomain.tk or, cf, ga, qg]. Open another tab and type this freenom.com here you can search your chosen domain name for free, hey! NOTE: There is a domain in there, like, dot net, com and many more those domain name are not free. Go for the domain name like tk or, cf, ga, GQ all those domain names are completely free for the first year. Search for your domain similar to your blogspot URL or you can choose another if you don't want to use domain name similar to your blogspot domain.
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The SECOND GUILD:- Search and order your free domain name. Then, you will be asked to verify your account and fill out the form page given. Make sure, you must not close the two tabs! After you have successfully ordered for your free domain name, it will be active instantly. Click on the setting tab. Directed below with screenshot.
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settings |
THIRD GUILD:- Click on "ADD RECORDS" there you will ask to enter your records of the host. Don't add anything yet. Now open the Blogger blog tab click on settings > basic then, scroll down. Like the screenshot directed.
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settings > basics |
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enter your purchase domain name [www.yourdomain.tk] |
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DNS generated |
FORTH GUILD:- Enter the domain name you have gotten from FREENOM and make sure you add "www" e.g [ www.yourdomain.cf ]. Automatically Google DNS will be generated like the below screenshot. Once the GOOGLE DNS has been generated, go back to the tab [FREENOM TAB "ADD RECORDS"] Here you will implement the DNS given to you from Blogger blog dashboard. Simply for the screenshot direction to best understanding.

Once you have to implement GOOGLE DNS then, you hit save and go to your blogger blog dashboard and save also. Congratulation Your new blog is ready with the free domain name. Please share this to a friend to need this and most importantly, if you are lost in any angle please do well to comments below for we are there to help you out! THANK YOU!