[Update] How to make $100/Day Passively - Ultimate Guild to Shopify Success


Getting Started

Here in this guide, we will be focusing on the dropship model because from my part of learning coverage it is the least and most comfortable time-consuming. In this guild, I just what to hit it straight no long words here. Why? I believe before you intended to open this post you needed a guild to earn more from your SHOPIFY experience, if not you can drop a comment to state your uncleared thought. Note; don't spam! But before we proceed with what you must note here;

You will create a SHOPIFY ACCT.

How to create the account, open their web page, on the website you will get an option tap to get started with a free of 14 days trial plan but I will provide you a COUPON URL when you can make it 45 days trials to those that are privilege reading this trend to actually attain and extend the 14 days trials to 21 days. You can hurry up to grab the opportunity as its still going on! for 21 days trials GOTO: https://www.shopify.com/smart-marketer

 In the signing up for Shopify page, will be asked to put your email address, store name, and password. Use your email, password and in the store name option (particular advice: use a catchy name) should be something like this, first an adjective like "amazing, awesome, etc." than products/store. You should remember that if you're not going to use a custom domain for your store, you will have to stick to this name meaning this "StoreName.Shopify.com" will be your permanent URL, and you WON'T be able to change this so if you are going to be using a Shopify subdomain make sure you choose the store name you want when signing up. After that, click on the online store and on the next page fill up your info. Then you will be asked some questions. Just Answer them with the following states:-

a. "I am already selling online using a different system."

b. "Amazon"

c. "$5k to $50k."

After that, click "Enter My Store" congratulation your store is up and running. Here you can choose any other option if you want.

Setting Up Your Store:


In this stage, once you are on the home SHOPIFY home page, you will be told or guided on everything you need to do in different pages as its opened which will include setting up your shipping setting, tax info, adding products, choosing themes, etc.

Setting Up Your Store:

1. Click on the settings option in the left corner and click General and named your store name which will be the same as the URL, the two email fields and then the store address. Just fill the option up accordingly. After that, click on the "Payment" There are two payments that you have to include and that's Shopify payments by Stripe which will allow you accept credit cards which will ask you to a series of questions.

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2. Choose the answer to those questions randomly. Though they don't really mean what I have seen a lot of people who live outside US struggle with here are Tax ID and SIN number. The truth is that you need not worry about these just use random numbers. For those who are wondering you add your Payoneer US payment service here as well. Next, you will need to choose is Paypal Express Checkout and you are done! Then moving on to the Checkout option, here in this part is really a personal preference but I will tell you what to do.

a. Customer accounts - optional

b. Full name - Require first and last name

c. Company - optional

d. Apt - optional

e. Phone number - optional

After that, Keep the rest as it is except when selecting automatically archive my order under after an order has been paid. When you choose or decide this, you will see a box that says "additional scripts," this is where you will be using your Fb re-targeting/conversion pixels. I will explain in a later step. Immediately you are done with the above goto the bottom of the page where you see three boxes like; [Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, and TOS] click on generate the sample for all three and you are done here.

Now in the case of SHIPPING. Firstly, you will have your shipping rate, lets it been as it is and moves on to shipping rates and add them based on weight and add the followed shipping rates :

0 - 0.9 = $9.99

1 - 1.9 = 14.99

2.0 - 2.9 = 17.99

3.0 - 3.9 = 19.99

4.0 - 4.9 = 21.99

Add the above Shipping rates. As we are going to be focusing on a dropship model shipping based on weight will be ideal.

What to Considered While Designing Your Store.

1. You should design your store depending on what niche your products are into or what your store is rating. But what I would love to also put in is, going for multiple products. Go for cute theme depending on your budget. From my thoughts, the best converting free arguments are the Classic theme and the Minimal theme. And once you choose the theme, get it installed and live. These themes come with everything already set up including the menus, categories, and products which you will be editing according to the products you will use. You can add or remove (modify) the theme any way you want, but I will just recommend changing the logo and tagline and keep the coloring and stuff same as it is as they are made in a way which will have the highest conversion rate.

2. You can also set up your own custom domain if you want which gives your store a more natural feel but I would say sticking with Shopify will work very fine but if you're going to click on the online store and then domains and choose a custom domain.

3. Now one thing that I would like to put emphasis on is branding and how it is very essential it is so you will want a really professional logo as the logo is the first thing someone will see when they come to your site to get a nice logo for your website. You can go higher from Fiverr to design your logo for you will get impressive rates.

4. Again, you need to set up your store navigation which you will find under online store. A page that you need to include About Us, Shipping Info, Contact Us.

Here is a sample of an About Us page. If you want you can use the exact this, just edit out the store name

CHECK THIS FOR HELP: Datafeedr makes it easy to build and embed an affiliate store

a. Welcome to "Store Name"!

b. We strive to provide our customer with the best customer service and support and the most convenient shopping experience online.

c. Whether you are at home at work or on the go, you can rest assured that your orders are handled securely and with the utmost care.

d. All our products are specifically tailored for the customer looking for the BEST DEALS in the latest trinkets and gadgets!

e. We love hearing from our customers and would like your feedback!

f. Invite friends/family and loved ones to shop with us at "Store Name"!

And here is a sample for your shipping page. (choose and edit too!) Shipping depends on the product that is ordered. For promotional shipping "FREE" items it may take 3-5 weeks to arrive since our questions are coming overseas and from a different warehouse. For non-promotional items, the shipping can take up to 14 to 30 days. Please allow 14 days before contacting us. No email correspondence will be entered into on the subject of delivery until after this period. This is to allow for any delays in the postal system and to keep email administration down to a manageable level. Congrats you have your store all done with the setting up. Next thing you need to do is get products in your store.

Research for Niche Product 

I am just going to go provide the niches that work for very well, and all you have to do is just copy it. Providing this because I don't want you to go over stressing yourself for niches research. You will be targeting:

a. keychains,

b. Plush toys,

c. Lamps,

d. Chains,

e. earrings,

f. rings

  Basically, you can select anything in the $1 - $3 mark in Aliexpress. Yes, you will be sourcing your products from Aliexpress. And also, what works best are movie products (Batman, Avengers, Superman, Harry Potter, ETC.), anime (my neighbor Totoro, Pokemon) and Tv shows - Game of Thrones (my best selling niche). Now the way you will be finding products is head over to aliexpress and search up the niche for example pokemon then click on the most number of orders. The top products are what others are reselling. I am sure you heard phrase the money lies with the competition. Next, you will be adding products to your store.

Getting A Product.

Click on Product then add a product. First, you should add the title and then the description. Here is an example of plush toy listing and how it would look on your site.

Title - Frozen Sven's Plush Toy

Description -Take home a limited edition Sven Plush Doll FOR FREE

Normally priced at $14.99. We want you to have it for free! Order 2 or more to save on shipping. Only 200 available. (Limitation of 10 persons per order) Limited time only! Allow 4-6 weeks shipping.

 Now goto aliexpress and add a variety of items to your site. Once you have around 30-40 products on your site, you are done. To make your site look generic, you want to add products with different price ranges. Now how to gain the traffic.

Getting Traffic And Sales

Remember when I said I will show you how to do this without spending a penny, well this is the second part of that. We will be targeting Facebook as the traffic source. Now Facebook allows you a credit of a certain amount which is more than enough to start getting sales and start banking. Whenever you add a card to your account, Facebook lets you advertise right away and bills you once you reach that credit appointed to you by Facebook. So let's ride on the ad.

Targeting Facebook as the Traffic Source And Get Sales

 1. First, you will need to create a Facebook fan-page under brand/product then subcategory website and fill up the about and add a profile picture and add your site URL. So you have to make everything look generic so make sure you put emphasis on the details, so everything seems natural.

 2. Let's create the ad.

 3. Not when you make this post-Facebook will auto-generate images from your site but what I found to be more converting is images like this -

 4. To remove the auto-generated images and switch with the catchy image.

 5. There is one more step before we finish setting up your ad and that is how you target your audience. I want everyone reading this thread to actually apply this and scale accordingly it will really help. So you will need to know how to find the right audience for your ads. Login to your ad manager then go to tools and then audience insights. Once it loads click on everyone on Facebook. So let's assume our ad is going to be for the "plush toy" above so what we will be doing is on the interest tab include everything that related to this product. As soon as you add them, you can see the demographics you will be targeting your ads. Look for the ones with the highest bar, for example, let's say female and age 19 - 34 and change it up on the left.

 6. After demographics click on Page likes and then you will see the pages that these people are most likely interested in and that's by looking at the affinity score which determines how relevant the page is to the audience. The higher the score, the more relevant it is. Add those pages to the interest tab on the left. Then after that save the audience. We will use this audience for our ad. Create a conversion pixel and paste it into the store where we discussed earlier.

 7. Since the post is ready. Go to create the ad and click on Increase Conversions On Your Website and name the campaign (Your choice name) and click on use a Saved Audience, choose the audience from earlier and choose your pixel. Then for placement select all platforms and in platforms prefer the only Facebook and feeds. Cross check everything out and Set ad budget to $20/day on the first day (after 12pm set budget to $10 to gain edge rank, then $20 the next day).

8. After that, you will be going to the ad section and here select your page and the post you made earlier and then click on place order and you are done.

Since your product is free, you will start getting orders this will earn you advantages to starts getting orders in no time, and you will get $9.99 for shipping. Assuming your product is $0.99 you will make $9 on each sale! Once you start getting a few sales, then follow the scale-up parts and upsell your buyers with higher priced products! You will need to get 11 sales a day to get 100+ per day which is really easy once you get the hang of it. You can actually make a lot more if you do the upsell correctly. I have had buyers who got the first product for free and went on to purchase $200+ worth of products in upsells.

Scaling Up Your Product.

To scale up your product, add more products and keep testing. Also, I encourage you to create a different and sets with different target audiences. Kill the ones that don't convert and retain your top converting ads. You can do this for multiple products. And make sure to milk your top converting ad by increasing your budget. Once the money starts coming in, there are few other things you can do to really kick it up a notch, and it adds apps to your Shopify store. The only one you really need is "You - display recent sales in real time" which will show recent sales on the left side of your store.

 This app can really help boosts sales like crazy. Other things you need to do is add an upsell by adding an upsell app which will allow you to upsell clients on items from the same niche. Also, you should note that you will be making a buyers list from this as well so don't hesitate to pitch other products in the same niche to your buyers. Once you start to really kill it with this business model, you will want to start creating your own products.


So, you have come to the end of this premium articles with no charges. You will be surprised how much you can make with this method. Once people pick interest in your store 70% of these people will buy other things too if you set up everything correctly and that is why I said to make your site look as professional as possible and add as many products as you can. You can apply this method as I have explained everything in details. If you need any help and have any questions feel free to ask in the comment section.

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