[Update] Most Important On-Page Optimization Techniques

Title Optimization:

A site’s title tag is the most important website optimization component. A title tag should be short but description enough for visitors to identify the website.
  • Your Name/ Business Name / Site Name is very important for flouring suggest. If you feel that your customers may search you by your brand name than it’s also useful to put it somewhere in your title.
  • If you want to rank for a particular keyword it is always good to place some in your title tag. A Title tag represents the whole flavor & content of your website.
<TITLE>On Page Optimization</TITLE>

Meta Tags Optimization:

A site’s Meta description should contain a brief description of your website. This small text can be considered as a selling snippet, if a searcher finds it appealing he is likely to click and go inside your page to find out more information. But if your Meta Description is too generic and isn’t written too well then there is a good chance that your site will simply be ignored.

<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Optimizing On-Page Factors for Search Engine">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="separated by a comma,but not a space">

Keyword Optimization & Synonyms:

Your site’s content wants to be modify in intensive way that it will be suit both search engines & your readers. Filling your site with more keywords can make your site unreadable. So you will need to have some sort of balance between your keywords & your content.
  • Keyword Research: Should take a reesearch before you decide on your keywords. Too many free tools are there that can help you to do keyword research. Some of my favorites are: SEO book Keyword Suggestion tool, Google Adwords Keyword Tool & Overture Keyword Tool.
  • Keyword Density: Try to have a moderate keyword density so that it can help the search engine to determine that your page is indeed related & relevant to the keyword that you are targeting.
  • Synonyms & Related Keywords: I personally like to use synonyms instead of having a high keyword density. This helps to make my content sound natural but still helps in SEO.
  • Long Tail Keywords: It’s often good to target some long tail keywords as they are comparatively easier to rank for. During your keyword research you should be able to gather some good long tail keywords that you can optimize your site for. But you can also come up with your own long tail keywords; for example try adding some common words like – ‘best’, ‘free’, ‘cheap’, ‘top’ etc. along with your actual keyword and you might eventually get some good long tail keywords.
Link Optimization:

It is important to optimize your internal & external outbound links for search engines and also navigate your visitors.
  • Try using good Anchor Text when you are linking to other people. Include the appropriate keyword in the anchor text which gives the outbound link a ‘proper meaning’ and value.
  • A good & clean Internal Link Structure with proper use of anchor text will definitely useful.
  • If you are using a CMS, then try using permalinks. This way your keywords/post title will be on the link itself and thus it will valued more by the search engines.
Image Optimization:

If your site has lot of images, you need to optimize them too as they can’t be read by the search engines. It’s very easy for a human reader to interpret the image into its meaning. However for a Web crawler the whole interpreting process is completely different. Search Engine spiders can only read text but not images. So you need to use some special tags for your images in order to give them some meaning.
  • Alt text : ALT text or Alternate Text is the text to describe your image when your mouse moves over an image on your web page. The text should be meaningful but short. You can use your relevant keywords as ALT text. If your browser can’t display the image for some reason, the alt text is used in place of that particular image.
  • File name : always use meaningful file name for your images, use names like “apple-iphone-cover.jpg” instead of meaningless “DSC24045.jpg”. Keep image file name same or similar to the ALT text.
  • Image Title : always use the title tag in images which will show the title as tool tip when a user moves his mouse over the image. Example of an image with title tag: [img src=”http://imagelocation.jpg” alt=”Image description” title=”Title of the Image”]
  • Image Linking : Whenever you want to link to your image, use the image keywords in your link text. Example: use “view an Apple iPhone”, instead of “Click here to view” as the anchor text.

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