[Update] SEO Interview Questions

· What do you know about this company and can you define who we are?
·  How would you define SEO and SEM?
·  What is your previous SEO history like? Can you give examples of rankings you’ve achieved?
·  What is your biggest mistake and biggest success in SEO?
·  What are the most important initial SEO steps on a website?
·  Which methods would you use for link building?
·  What is your strength in terms of SEO?
·  How would you monitor rankings?
·  Which verticals have you worked on before?
·  Which side of SEO would you like to be involved? Either link building, coding or whatever?
·  What if your client is not open to ideas to make changes on their website, what would you come up with?
·  Which blogs and websites do you follow daily to keep up-to-date and why?
·  Do you know who Matt Cutts is?
·  Which Google products do you use?
·  Which SEO tools do you prefer?
·  How is your copywriting skill? Can you give some examples?
·  Do you use any type of web analytics?
·  What is a pagerank?
·  What is “nofollow”?
·  How do you see the future of SEO?
·  How do you define your HTML hand-coding skills?
·  Why is a sitemap important and how would you make search engines find it quickly?
·  Do you know anything about robotstxt?
·  What is your opinion about paid links?
·  How would you track the number of outlinks of a website?
·  What do you mean by cloaking?          
·  What are the different ways of link building?
·  How do you optimize dynamic web pages?
·  What is Mod_Rewrite module?
·  How you can target seo as country wise?
·  What is Phrase Based Indexing and Retrieval and what roles does it play?
·  What is Alexa ranking?
·  What is an SEO, SEM and how important are they for an organization? Explain
·  Could you briefly explain pagerank algorithm?
·  What is google spamdexing?
·  Explain several steps that you would take to optimize a website?
·  How important the site needs to be wc compliant?
·  How and what does msn, yahoo and google search looks for in a website?
·  Define all the different ways to do marketing for a website? (PPC, Ads, Backlinks, etc)
·  What is an Organic search?
·  Name few popular sites and how do you think they become popular?
·  Why google ranks Wikipedia for most of the topics?
·  Do you know about Signals, Classifiers and Topicality?
·  How does a search engine work and what is the future?
·  Can you get “abc” company listed for the keyword “Google” in the first page?
·  What is a Search Engine?
·  Why are Search Engines important?
·  What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
·  Why do I need to consider SEO for my website?
·  How do Search engines rank sites?
·   What do you mean by SERPs?
·  Did you work on PPC?
·  Is sitemap usefull for SEO?
·  Explain your SEO Experience?
·  Can you write HTML code by hand?
·  Explain importance of Meta tags in seo?
·  Why are you leaving your current seo job?
·  Have you attended any seo conferences?
·  What role do social media play in an SEO strategy?
·  Explain what META tags matter in today's SEO world?
·  What kind of SEO strategies do you normally implement for back links?
·  What do you think is different about working for an SEO agency vs. doing SEO in-house?
·  To what extent do you think seo is effective?
·  As a seo consultant do you consider yourself as creative?
·  Have you ever prepared proposal for seo clients? If yes can you give me one proposal now?
·  What are the problems you face in seo industy?
·  How do you evaluate whether a seo campaign is working?
·  In what area of seo are you strong? And what area of seo you are weak?
·  What seo blogs and Forums do you read?
·  How far do you think social media optimization help a website to achieve top position in search engines?
·  As a seo consultant what do you prefer Google / Yahoo/ Bing ?
·  Do you have Knowledge of Static as well as Dynamic Website Optimization?
·  What is the role of social bookmarking sites in Seo?
·  What do you mean by social networking Traffic? How do they help for website seo?
·  Have you done any Video Submissions and Video Promotions.?
·  When will my Submissions appear on the engines?
·  Explain me the steps you follow for optimizing a website?
·  For what clients you have done seo? Are you successful in doing seo for them?
·  What is link building? Link buying?
·  What kind of activities do you normally implement for generating back links for a website?
·  Why do we use nofollow on an internal link?
·  What do you mean by competitive analysis and what techniques do you use?
·  How many target keywords should a website have? Or how many target keywords do you suggest for a website?
·  How do you help your client to decide budget allocation for seo and pay-per-click?
·  Do you have your own blogs? Do you do any seo freelance works?
·  How do you handle your client if he do not want to implement your seo recommendations?
·  What’s the difference between the on-page and off-page optimization.
·  Why might you want to use no follow on an internal link?    
·  What do you think about link buying?
·  Who are the two key people - who started Google?
·  Who is Matt Cutts?
·   If you were bidding on a contract, what competitor would you most worry about?
·   What is the difference between PageRank and Toolbar PageRank?
·  How’s the future of search engine optimization?  
·  What’s web 2.0?
·  What do you know about the podcasting, blogs and RSS?
·   What is Google sandbox?
·   What do you know about the XML sitemap and how do you generate it.
·  What are ranking factors in Google, Yahoo and MSN?
·   What is key word density?

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