[Update] SEO Initial Steps

1. The most initial step is to analyze thoroughly your site, for which you going to start working. Find out the positive and negative points in that site; try to find the actual theme of that site.

2. Once you analyze your site thoroughly try to find out the competitors of your site over the web and their current search engine positioning also analyze their strategy by working a little over their key phrases which they were using to deploy their existence.

3. Once you get an idea about your competitor’s strategy by working on their key phrases, page layout and all such basic things, its time for you to suggest the keywords for your or your client’s site.

4. After that you or your client short listed or approved your suggested keywords immediately working to analyze those keywords and find out such keywords which have less competition over the web, that’s actually your major task to promote your website against a certain keyword or multiple keywords, the most you spend your time in analyzing keywords the better rankings you will achieve.

5. Now its time to implement your strategy over your website, start writing or modifying the current titles, descriptions, alt tags and keywords, try to use your targeted keywords in titles and descriptions specially because these are the major things which is used by search engines since years, but make sure don’t repeat just keywords, try to summarize your web page’s theme with a few most important keywords for which you actually wants your site to attain a higher search engine placement. If needed, you can suggest SEO friendly URLs that depends on keywords .

6. Try to manage the density of keywords used for which you wants your site to attain a higher search engine placement, keep it under 3.0% but also make sure that it should be more than 2.25%.

7. Validate your site’s pages according to w3c standards using online tools available for this purpose and also try to remove any broken links over your site’s pages.

8. Try to submit the references of your site in useful discussion forums, blogs, and communities and even in Google and yahoo groups related to your site’s theme.

9. Submit the robots.txt, rss file and sitemap in Google and yahoo that’s actually in xml format and makes it easier for search engines to crawl your website in a proper manner.

10. Implement Google, Yahoo and MSN Webmasters Tools improve your site’s visibility in search results. It provides you with an easy way to make your site more SEO-friendly. They can show you view of your site, help you diagnose problems, and let you share info with SE to help improve your site’s visibility in their search results. It’s very simple to set up!

11. Start working on link building of your site try to focus on similar sites for this purpose and also try to get links from those pages which have a better search engine placement and a higher Google page rank, try to get one way links as much as possible even you can use a neutral site/directory for this purpose use that neutral site/directory to give back links to those who demands links from your site in that all link building process.

12. Use some SEO tools like web position or SEO elite to find out your sites ranking that’s the first step in fact and then you have to perform that step on regular occasions; normally on weekly basis and also monitor the daily traffic trends.

Resources: other site

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