[Update] How to Make label Category Tabs in Blogger

Today we will discuss how to make label categories in you blog. It is very important part of blog designing and also for managing of the content of your blog.Also it make your website user friendly and users can easily access what the are looking for.

what is mean by label categories

label is widget which is not added and we have to add it manually.it help to divide our content in to different parts like category. As you can see in image the how label make category there are different labels in the image like facebook

adding label in blog

adding label is very simple just login to your account and go to your blog and now go to layout there you will see a blue colour text written add a gadget so press it and add label gadget.


add widget in blogger

putting post in label

now when you write new post you will see an option of label at right side.click on it and write name of label and publish your post now see your blog you had done it.

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