[Update] Add Multi Color Recent Post widget In Blogger
In this tutorial we discuss about recent post.As from widget name you got it the most recently publish post.It is very good to increase page view of blog.so we will learn how to add recent post in blogger.This widget is multi color and show thumbnail and title of the post.Adding it very simple just in one step so not a long tutorial but important one.
Also add pin it pinterest button
step1:First login to your blogger account and go to layout of your blog
Step2: add a gadget of html/javascript and paste given below code there and save it.
visit your blog to confirm that recent post in working fine on your blogger blog.I welcome you if for have any question.I hope you like it.
why to add this widget
There are many gadget like popular post available in blogger template and you can add then in one click but recent post gadget is not available.To add this widget in blogger you have to do some manually action.It show five recent post with round thumbnail.Also add pin it pinterest button
How to add recent post in blogger
This is not very necessary but is good if your blog is large.This recent post widget help visitor to know that is new on blog.May be you have blog of multi niche and you have more than one admin so it mean you are updating your blog more that regular single niche blog.This recent post widget help visitor to know that is new on blog.It is very simple to add in blogger follow me in few steps.Step2: add a gadget of html/javascript and paste given below code there and save it.
visit your blog to confirm that recent post in working fine on your blogger blog.I welcome you if for have any question.I hope you like it.