[Update] Revamped Search Engine @ LinkedIn

New Search Engine:
LinkedIn were revamped its search engine to help users better. This Search engine has revamped in accordance to get faster search results and to get relevant results. LinkedIn new search engine available now, it can save its members more than a year of collective time spent searching.
Here the list to highlight changes,
  • Results Based On Connections
LinkedIn will now populate its search results based on what it believes is most relevant to you based on your connections, groups, and companies.
  • Search Beyond Your Connections
For the first time, LinkedIn is giving its free members the ability to search outside of their group of connections. This used to be a premium feature.
  • Personalized search results
LinkedIn will personalize search results based on the information you have provided in your profile.
  • Surfacing Users’ Content
Now when you perform a search, LinkedIn may surface content other users have uploaded to the network, such as blog posts and SlideShare decks, if its relevant to the search.
These changes are “just the start”, the company says, and we can expect more developments coming from LinkedIn throughout the year.


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