[Update] Change or Add New Favicon in Blogger

what is favicon 
favicon is small image seen on the
top of your browser tap .blogger
has set default favicon . favicon is
good idea to attract .favicon may
be image or animated image.
moving or action .it should be
small . so i tcan fit easily. you can
make favicon and replace with 
blogger favicon. but you cannot
remove it.it design you blog.you 
can make favicon online

how to change favicon in blogger

step 1: login to your blogger and go
to layout

change favicon

you will see favicon  at the top 
left side  press edit 

step 2: now browse your favicon image 
and save it . view your blog
to confirm it.

how to add animated favicon

step1: login to blogger go to template
and edit html

add favicon in blogger

stepp2: now search this code

step3: replace given code above <b:skin> .

note: replace  add-your-favicon-link-here with 
the code you had generated.

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