[Update] Show Specific Label Posts At Home Page In Blogger
Home page is very important thing because when visitor your blog, look at your blog home page posts.You can get extra clicks on your blog post by showing particular post on main link.Today we will learn how to show specific post in home page.Blogger give total freedom of editing blog to our choice.By default setting in blogger, our blog display seven most latest published post.While we can change it to your desired numbers. we can increase or decrease posts display at home page.I think if we display too many post on home or main page then it takes time while browsing page and visitor do not wait for your blog to respond and close your page.
How to display particular label posts
Now i will tell you how to display specific label post in home page.When you make new post in our blog we add label to particular posts.blogger will not show label until we add label gadget in blogger.To add label gadget we can go to layout and then click on add a gadget and add label.we can drag gadget to change position of gadget but label are mostly displayed on sidebar.Before starting process make sure you have some labels in your blog.because we will show label posts at main page.
1 Login to blogger account
3 visit your blog click on label to show posts at home page.
4 In my case i select pc tip because i want to show post of pc tip label at home page.
5 Copy the link behind home link of your blog.
6 Go to setting and then choose search preferences
7 Now edit custom redirects
8 In the from section you have to add slash
9 In the To section you have to paste the label link that you have copied in step 5
10 Click on blue color save button and then click save changes.
11 you process finish, now you can visit your blog home page to confirm this trick is working fine on your blog.
If you have any problem then feel free to comment, i will try my best to fix your problem.Now its time to hit like button if think this post is really helpful.
Final words
At the last i want to say that make you home page attractive and show good post because home page was the first impression to visitors when they view your blog main page.Now i remember a beautiful quote about impression that is" First impression is the last impression".Do not show too many posts on home page because it increase loading time of page.This trick works even if you remove home link and instead of showing home page it show label page due to custom redirects.