[Update] How To Make 100 Dollar On Dailymotion
Earn free dollars
Dailymotion is a video sharing site. you can put you videos there but make sure you have copyright of your video.if you had not copyright your account can be disable and all your earned money go to waste. so make your original videos and share on dailymotion.It is not used much as other site but you can still there are some asian countries who use mostly .In the very first of they do not give make money or earning program but now it is available worldwide.
How to make money with dailymotion
what is the first step you have to do . make a gmail account and you should enter your real name and location and address so that when at the time of withdraw you may not face any difficulty. then you have to made a dailymotion account just go to dailymotion and then at the top right you can see a sing in and signup option .just click sign up and there will be pop up appears on your browser.it will ask you about your information.enter you email and username .you username is set as a your channel name so enter your desired username.channel is very important to make money on dailymotion.enter you email address. on thing is want to tell you guys that when you made a gmail account add a phone number for recovery.It has been seen some people has not set their recovery in gmail account and if some one get lock account then it is very difficult to recover with out recovery email or phone number. recovery phone number is the best option . you have you just enter your number and you get a code in your inbox of your mobile put it there and recover it easy and fast.so make sure you had notice these steps but choice is yours.now again go for dailymotion signup process .enter your real name and address zip code so you may not face problem in withdraw of money.save the setting and you channel is live on dailymotion , now put your video.
you can later change your channel name so for that first sign in and then at the right top there is gear button click it and go to setting In setting you will see you can edit your profile . change the username and you have done it.when you go to your channel add a avatar image and background image of you dailymotion channel that make it good looking.To check how much money you had made to setting and click revenue.It also show money withdraw and how much is present.add videos in your channel is very simple in center of dailymotion page you can see upload button .It is long process for making money you can not earn over a night. just click it it will redirect you to a next page where it will ask you to add a video on dailymotion so click it a browse your video . wait for your video to upload after that make a title of your video. select a category from drop down option. you can tag select video and also add description you can tell about your video.you can share your videos to your friends directly from dailymotion . and in social media to increase your videos .
How to make account in dailymotion
when you go to dailymotion channel video it also tell how many views of all videos . in the main of your channel your feature video is set by most popular so user who visit your channel can sea it but you can change it .just play a video you want to make feature video in dailymotion channel click on make feature video.so put videos and also you can add your site ,if you had a site and you can add your videos to your site hence you can also grow your views.you can add your videos by manually embedded code or by a widget by dailymotion to add automatically.it is good for a website owner if want you share by videos because it give you free space for uploading your videos.otherwise you need hosting which is costly so this is good option for websites also.they may use some time proxy to login to their account and they think that some one stealing account so any
suspicious activity can lead to disable of dailymotion account.so guy wish good luck in make money effort . nothing can be earned effortless .you have to do some effort if you want success but continuous effort never go waste.