[Update] How To Make 100 Dollar On YouTube
make money
Making money on youtube is very simple
and trusted.because it is paid by adsense
adsense is advertising site .you can
put your ads for your business and become
more popular .many local and international
business worker advertising on adsense.
every body who is interested in making
money online very well aware of adsense.
adsense is attached you youtube.youtube is
a videos sharing site .anyone can share
video on youtube. if you use youtube and
see video on it you have seen there will
be ads some before video some times.
that video may be ads of some company.
so these company pay adsense to put
thier ads and the adsense take some of part
and also share revenue with publisher of
and trusted.because it is paid by adsense
adsense is advertising site .you can
more popular .many local and international
every body who is interested in making
money online very well aware of adsense.
adsense is attached you youtube.youtube is
a videos sharing site .anyone can share
video on youtube. if you use youtube and
be ads some before video some times.
that video may be ads of some company.
so these company pay adsense to put
thier ads and the adsense take some of part
and also share revenue with publisher of
how to become publisher on youtube
It is very simple to become youtube
publisher .you just need a gmail
account.signup on youtube and make
some videos to put on youtube.do not
put other video on youtube .if any one
had copyright of it can claim and after
3 claim you account can be disabled
so make you own video and put on
youtube and monetize your videos.
you have to put many videos because
with single video you cannot make
100 dollar.put video and you can
see earning of each video in analytic.
it shows daily , weakly and monthly
report. if you had claim of any video
you can counter claim on that if you
had copy right of that.but if you had not
copyright do not counter claim .now i tell you
how to increase more money on youtube
there are some trick to do so, you
should know before putting video
on youtube.
no i just tell you some tips how to
make more view to your video.
first make your video in high result and
not record on mobile. then make
a good title of video put on youtube.
so that more user come to your video when
search result show .if your video is good
informative people like it which in good
next thing i s share your video with your friends
so it may increase your video views.make
social media fan page and share your videos
there.after you had earned 100 $ you can
withdraw by paypal bankwire easily
worldwide..so if you had not made your
channel onyoutube ..just made it and start
putting videos and keep it up .. update it
tell your friends and fans to subscribe
your channel so they get updates of your
channel .
no i just tell you some tips how to
make more view to your video.
first make your video in high result and
not record on mobile. then make
a good title of video put on youtube.
so that more user come to your video when
search result show .if your video is good
informative people like it which in good
next thing i s share your video with your friends
so it may increase your video views.make
social media fan page and share your videos
there.after you had earned 100 $ you can
withdraw by paypal bankwire easily
worldwide..so if you had not made your
channel onyoutube ..just made it and start
putting videos and keep it up .. update it
tell your friends and fans to subscribe
your channel so they get updates of your
channel .