[Hot] Organic SEO: Three Timeless Strategies

Webmasters have practiced some form of SEO (search engine optimization) since the mid-1990s, when the first search engines cataloged the web. Since then, of course, the web has changed the world, escorting society into a Brave New World of inventiveness and social transformation. SEO has evolved, too, to help websites market to a global audience.

Today, SEO is often associated with cutting edge digital marketing, but it's important to remember: SEO is based on timeless marketing strategies.

From the beginning of commerce, of course, marketing has been about communication.

Below we discuss three means of effective communication and how they apply to today's SEO--or more specifically, today's "organic" SEO.

Read: What is Organic SEO?

At heart, SEO is a simple marketing strategy based on timeless principles. [Photo Source]


SEO essentially governs the keywords and website design elements you employ to market your business online. If you can identify your potential visitors, or if you want to build a website for a specific visitor, you must include specific words and design details that will appeal to your audience. This idea, like most marketing principles, is self evident, yet too many designers build websites for a general--and not specific audience.

For online marketing success, specificity is key.

Read: SEO 101: Industry-Specific Keywords


Remember, no one understands your product like you do. You are the expert. Your challenge is to convey your expertise in a way that inspires confidence in search engines and browsers.

When you use jargon that may not be familiar to your customer, he or she may lose interest—and like that, you’ve lost a sale! If you understand your customer, adapt your text and design elements to suit his or her needs--and avoid jargon!

Unfortunately, the SEO industry itself is plagued by jargon; and the industry could do a much better job making the essential tenants of SEO accessible to more people.

Do not let the jargon, or any other obscure SEO association, discourage you from learning more.

Read: Do Not Fear the Code: Is a Tech-Centric View of SEO Holding You Back?


Relevant content may attract browsers, but a website should strive to not merely attract browsers—a good website must sustain a browser's interest.

The marketing goal, of course, is to cultivate informed and involved browsers who convert to actual customers. A precise and accessible description of your offering is necessary. But you must do more than describe your product--however precisely. You must intrigue browser to purchase your product.

One of the best ways to create intrigue online is to teach your customer something new—and possibly include him/her in the learning process.

Dr. Mercola has built a successful online business by making his supplements feel like necessary by-products of his health tutelage. To read Mercola's article on astaxanthin, for example, is to want to purchase his astaxanthin: "Hailed as One of the Most Powerful Antioxidants Ever Discovered," he announces. "Are You Missing Out?"

Among Mercola's many intriguing claims here is that flamingos "only obtain their pink color once they eat food that is loaded with astaxanthin."

Mercola creates intrigue by inspiring emotional connections to his products. You can do the same.

Read: SEO and the Power of Emotions

Flamingos get their pink skin from astaxanthin--an intriguing fact that helps to sell a product. [Photo Source]

Digital Marketing with Stepman's SEO 

If you're looking for an SEO company that understands how to effectively promote emotionally accessible websites with specific keywords and intriguing content, contact our sponsor, Stepman's SEO: 215-900-9398.

Stepman's SEO combines traditional marketing methods and organic SEO--with an emphasis on natural website optimization--to design thoughtful, inspiring, and effective content marketing campaigns.

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