[Update] Google Released Free SSL (HTTPS) for Custom Domains | Blogger

You have been blogging without HTTPS:// on your blogger blog platform while using your custom domain name and you love to switch from HTTP:// to HTTPS://?  Then this blog post is for you. Today, I am going to unseal what they’ve been over to you in a simple way. HTTPS:// is required to be activated in every blog for your visitors or views to have a trusted and a secure service while surfing your blog or website. Most people monitor this, if the absence of HTTPS:// is not available they might dislike your blog and entirely while surfing your blog or website.  Most especially site that deals with credentials details shared.

While checking the new Google new update, it’s been providing that from July 2018, Google Chrome Browser will identify and restrict users to access blogs or website without HTTPS:// as an unsafe blog or website to browse in. So, for you to avoid this issue from Google, you need HTTPS:// in your blogs or websites. In this article, I am going to show you simple step on how to set HTTPS:// for free without using any SSL INSTALLATION FREE GIVERS. Sound so good right? Google now makes it possible for those blogging on Blogging platforms this free service for no cost.


What Are The Opp Here to Get as Blogger That Blog On Blogger Blog

 -  Free SSL installation in your blogger blog dashboard.

-  No stress to set this from the starting point till the end.

-  No Cloudflare  SSL is required or any site that provides from free SSL.

-  For boat custom or hosted domain is free at no cost. i.e., https://yourdomain.com or https://yourdomain.blogspot.com. Setting this, still in within your blogger dashboard.

The above opportunity is what you will gain as a blogger blogging on blogger blog with custom domain or with the hosted domain name. This is absolutely free with no cost. So, let's dive in on how to do this directly. But before you can proceed with this, you need the following requirement to do this as follow:

Procedure To Follow:

 #1.) Open your blogger blog dashboard linked with the custom domain name on wishes to set from HTTP:// to HTTPS:// installation. As the screenshot guided bellow.

Blogger dashboard

#2.) Goto Settings  > Basics in this you will notice that it takes a one-click on Settings > Basics automatically, it will navigate to Basic.

settings > basic

 #3.) Follow the screenshot guilds bellow.  Change the www.blogger.com to become Draft.blogger.com as the screenshot below:

to draft.blogger.com

without draft.blogger.com

with Draft.blogger.com, now enable.

Or You Watch the video for more proper understanding. Don't forget to like video, share and subscribe to the channel.


activating free SSL

You’re done with the activation. Check out your blog to see if it really works out.

you're done!

Refresh the page, this takes 2 to 3 minutes to be activated. Please id you face problem while doing this, please use the comments box to notify us. We reply as soon as your comment is approved. Don’t forget to hit the subscribing page.

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