[Update] Gtbank Online Banking Guild – Apply Online
Gtbank Online Banking Guild – Apply Online
What is the full meaning of GTBank?
G – Guarantee
T – Trusted
B – Bank
Guarantee Trusted Bank [GTBNK] is well known as one of the best Bank for one to partner with most especially those that deal with online activities. Her services are so quick and easy and most of the services they render online make it significance to others Banks. Online Banking known as Internet Banking is a service that conveniently allows you to the bank from the sitting comfort of your Home, Offices and even on the walking road. With GTBank [Guarantee Trusted Bank] online banking, you can practically perform almost all the actions that would entail going to any Bank Branch from any place you found yourself.
The GTBank Online Banking [Guarantee Trusted Bank] can enable you to perform any transaction such as to transfer funds/ payment to anyone Locally or Internationally (International transfers is only allowed for a domiciliary account holder), check your account balance in real time. There is also a chance for you to convert your foreign currency to local currency and print your statement from the GTBank Online banking [Guarantee Trusted Bank]. You can also request, confirm cheques, pay your bills and also book flight tickets.
How to Access This - GTBank Online Banking Service?
ü Download and install the GTBank Online banking from Play store into your Andriod Smartphone also available in BlackBerry phone as well and token request form, carefully fill the form and take it to any GTBank branch available anywhere in your location. You can use other alternatives if your Internet access is dull. Walk into any of the GTBank Branch and request for the Form.
ü You can also scan and mail the form to mailto:internetbanking@gtbank.com if you are indisposed to walk into any of their Branch available in your location. Contact GTBank contact center to obtain your login details or wait at the Bank for them to personally set everything up for you.
ü Now, immediately you must have received your login details, you can simply visit https://bank.gtbank.com/ibank3/login.aspx and enter your respective username and password that was issued to you by GTBank [Guaranty Trust Bank.]
ü After your successful logged into your GTbank Online Banking Account, now you can perform any action you would like and make any transactions. But if you are finding this stage difficult, you should mail your queries or request to Guaranty Trust Bank with the contact details below.
How to Contact GTbank
Guaranty Trust Bank Contact Details
Email: internetbanking@gtbank.com
Phone: 0700 GT CONNECT (0700482666328), 01-4480000, 08039003900 follow the voice prompt or you can also press 2 or 0 to speak to an Agent.
How to Use GTBank Online Banking
ü After you must have successfully logged on to your account, the first thing you should do is get the activation code for your card as this will enable more levels of security especially if you are interested in engaging in online shopping.
ü On the left sidebar, you should be able to see where to select services. Carefully go through the listed services and add the other ones you think may apply to you. You would be required to use your token at this stage after which your GTbank Online banking account is now ready for use.
I hope this helps those who find and looking for a way to Bank Online and made their transaction fast! Please if you have any question regards to this please you can make use of the comment box, Please on a special note don’t spam!