[Update] How To Add Table In Blogger Post
Benefit of using blogger platform is liberty of editing template.we have full control on our blog design.while making new post we have option to edit html and this is how we can add table in blogger.Mostly new blogger do not know much about html but do not worry you can add table easily in your post.
What is table
You can say it data organizing sheet.Today i will tell you how to make fully customize table in blogger, also i want to give you a reason for adding table in blogger post.First if you want to show result sheet yo u can write person name and result or number, second you can show survey result or whatever table can be use for many purpose.now i tell you customize means you are able to increase or decrease number of rows or columns in your table.Below you can see sample of table.In below image you can see a table of tree column and three rows.As i already describe this is fully customize so you can edit to your desired requirement.
How to make table in blogspot posts
Login to blogger account
Make a new post
Go to HTML of post and paste below code
This code is for 3 row 3 column
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="width: 400px;"><tbody>
Go to compose and you table is now added.
Now the most important thing replace red color names i have added harry garry etc in above code to your desired names or numbers.
For adding 2 row 2 column paste below code
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="width: 400px;"><tbody>
Replace names your desired data.
Now if you want to customize table to your desired number of rows and column then you have to understand little about above code.I tell simple way to add new rows and columns.For adding new row in table you have to add below code before
For adding new column paste below code between <tr> and </tr>
<tr> and </tr> is used for every row so you have to add
<td>shony</td> under every row for making new column in every row.compose the post and publish the post.
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