[Update] Cool Guilds To Receive All Your Andriod Messages On PC


Many of You works on System daily without even having the chance to access Your Andriod smart phone,here again what we  have riht here for You"Trick To Receive All Your Andriod Messages On Pc" cool trick right? I guess yeah! why? because many have been working daily using their pc without even having the opportunity to take their Andriod smart Phone and read text if any comes.... And mostly when You power Your Andriod device and the distance is far from You, how to grab it when text comes will be the issue. Issue solved with this cool trick. Here with the followed guilds You can acess all Your incoming messages while operating Your PC.
But before that,You have to follow every procedures stated,none should be excluded for an excellent result.

Your Pc whose You wanna be receiving the text in.
Your Andriod Smart phone.
Mighty Text app
Chrome Browser and its extension app"Mighty Text"
Wifi network connection[Initial pairing with Pc and Andriod device]

    After having this fews marterials ready,then You are free to go with the below guilds. NOTE: You must follow the guilds as followed,don't exclude any guilds or steps.

Also Read:-http://www.naijatroop.com/2017/08/all-facebook-colour-code-and-their-usage.html
Also Read:-http://www.naijatroop.com/2017/08/increase-your-phone-internal-memory.html

Open Your GOOGLE PLAY STORE,download and install the application"Mighty Text app" or download with the link below.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.texty.sms&hl=en or click HERE
After You have sucessfully download and install the application"Mighty Text" then move to the below guild.

Open Your Google Chrome browser,download its extention here> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mightytext-sms-from-pc-te/dkfhfaphfkopdgpbfkebjfcblcafcmpi?hl=en. Or click HERE
 NOTE: I recomend You to use Google chrome browser to do this.

Now after having the above required solved,move back to Your Andriod smart Phone,open the app"Mighty Text" here You need initial pairing with the PC this action will be done using WIFI network connection on boat side[the PC and ANDRIOD smart device]

Immediately Your setting Up is done,there will be an ICON appearing in Your PC ICON lands,know that the ICON represent Your Andriod device.[Your Andriod Name will appear there].

Sucessfully suceed with the trick setting Up. Now when Your Andriod device gots any message(s),its will be the help of the extentional app installed in Your google chrome browser as an extension app which will enable and tranfer the text in there. And You will be notify of any messages arrived,there You can read the message(s) sucessfully. With this setting up,You can receives all Your messages in Your computer screen and this can help You to get rid of getting Your Andriod again and again to read each text sent to You! All You have to do,is to just perform an action by tapping the notification bar,watch out every messages You have received.
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