[Update] [BLOGGING TIPS] 5 Steps To Increase Your Websites/Blogs Visitors
Hey Guys. Today, We will show You some ways in which You can earn more traffic to Your blogs/websites. We know y can this, every one is after at right? With out be told many look for many ways in which they can earn more traffics to their blogs/websites, but they found it very difficult along the way. I want to dive into something that we are all after when it comes to SEO. "TRAFFIC." That is why people do buy SEO services from the PRO. Everyone is after traffic. website visitors is what makes the IM World turn, without them we would all be dead broke and probably bagging groceries.
Today, We are here to tell You that there are lots of ways You can increase Your blogs/website traffic to your website but we all get wrapped up with top Google rankings. You can get traffic even if you are not #1 on Google for your main keyword.
*> Always Use PPC copy from The top Companies in Your page descriptions.
This is how this work when it comes to traffics! Page descriptions don't mean shit for SEO! You could include your keyword in them but it isn't going to help your rankings. A lot of people will say to include the keyword in the description anyway to help with the click through because the person is likely to click on the page if they see the same keyword they're seeking for.
These makes sense but, if You take a second look at some descriptions they just look so awkward with the keyword slapped in there. Nobody is going to be impressed and want to click on some bullshit just because it includes a keyword.
Do a Google search related to the topic of the page You're writing on. Try it. Many of people have good rankings in terms of ranking stages but, their descriptions suck so bad nobody clicks on their page - Top ranks are worthless unless they attract a searchers to click on them.
*> Target your page 2-3 organic rankings
When its comes to organic ranking, many Bloggers found that, they had 0% knowledge of this. Page 2 - 3 is useless for traffic forget about it! Nobody looks through those pages, If You are on those pages you might as well be on page 74 and page 469. But did you know you can usually give your internal pages that are ranking on page two and three a quick boost just by playing with your internal linking ?
Always use these bellow tools:
Google Analytic,
webmaster tools and
Use the above tools to identify the terms and pages that are on page two and three. Write them all down.. Organizing is key here, okay! after you find potential targets you need to find pages on your site that have some good juice to toss at those pages.
You can make use of these opened sites like:
explorer and look at the DA and PA. Imo they are crap metrics that can be easily rigged but when you are dealing with your own site they should give you a good idea of what pages are solid. Well as long as you aren't spamming your own site! You can do this in 2 seconds by entering your main URL in OSE and then look at the top pages tab.
NOTE :- The suggested tools above can help You to identified your strongest pages. Once you have identified Your strongest pages drop some links on those pages to your pages that are sitting on Google page 2 and 3. This works good for long tail keywords that need just a little nudge. Smart internal linking is something 99% of people forget to do and it makes zero sense as there are a lot of missed opportunities here. Take small steps and don't just drop a shit load of internal links to a single page at once, make small changes and see how the SERPS react - it's all about that testing and optimizing Guys.
*> Be A Sponsor Of an Info graphic
This happen to be the most easiest ways to get a link on any site in Your niche that you want. Info graphics are the shit and every website owner loves them! What they don't like is the cost associated with getting them done. In the offline World Companies pay $2k+ for info graphics. You can use this to work your way onto any site of Your niche.
Reach out and offer to sponsor an info graphic. Tell them you will handle everything from the concept to the design. You will need to put out some effort, times considering and spend about $150.
Bellow is how you can do this :- Find a site you want a referral link from. Make the best Target, I mean the best of the best.! Mail them and tell them you are creating an info graphic and would be happy to co-brand it. This means You will include your logo and website address along with theirs on it. You have to have this step figured out before you move on. You need to get a verbal agreement and make sure they're in agreement on the board before You take Your next steps forward.
There isn't a site that will pass up a branded info graphic. Now a lot of people will create info graphics and send them to any site they can find in hopes they publish them. The market is flooded with info graphics and website owners don't want to publish the same info graphic that 100 other sites are! Like If You are offering to brand it in their name they know it is more exclusive and if other sites pick it up they might even get links out of it.
Immediately You have a site on the hook find a good topic to create an info graphic on. The most very easiest way to do this is to find a very popular blog post that whose attracting contents to take the date from. Put in popular blogs related to the niche that You're targeting into open site explorer and click on the top pages tab to see what posts have the most links pointing to them. Blog posts with a lot of links tend to mean it's a hot topic and the people looking for info in the niche liked it! You will look for list type posts that I can hand over to a designer and have turned into an info graphic. You don't have time to research content for hours and You want this as hands free as possible. You will find a good popular blog post and attracting contents of, that You can see being turned into an info graphic and well received.
Once every of Your design is done [make sure it is branded to look good - take it a step further and have the designer create it using the colors of the site you are doing it for] reach out and get it into the website owners hand.
*> Sign up for every single newsletter in Your niche
Getting links on top sites in Your niche isn't hard if you just approach it differently than the other sheeple. Everyone else is sending out copy and paste content that all drive at the same angles. They offer a 500 word unique article and ask for a link. Forget that noise. No serious website owner is going to respond or welcome that offer and if a site does it isn't one You want a link from anyway.
Most websites have a newsletter or some list You can subscribe to. Sign up for every single one you can find! You are going to get blast of emails so set up a separate email address but make sure you keep it on Your domain. So if you use info@yoursite as Your mail email set something like hello@yoursite for this. DO NOT do some stupid shit like spam@ or newsletter@ - any smart website owner will sniff this out and know what you are up to.
After you do this for a few weeks include a pitch in one of Your replies to their newsletter. "I was actually just writing a blog post about (the topic you are replying about) and wanted to know if you would like to publish it on your website?"
This is such a casual guest post request. It isn't annoying or spam-my like 99% of the other ones. This will stand out and they will identify You as the person that has been communicating with them and promoting their content!
Approach this like You would a girl you want to marry and not just sleeping with her, lol [that sound not funny anyway]. You have to wine, dine and put in some effort. You aren't going right to the bedroom. If a girl drops her pants right away she is dirty! Just like a blog is dirty if they let anyone guest post! But the effort worth it when you land that post and get a niche link that will kick back referral traffic and give you a SEO boost.
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*> Publish one blog post daily that targets a low search volume long tail keyword
Everyone is on the long tail keyword these days but, most will skip over a keyword that has a low search volume of 20 searches. They think it isn't worth going after but I will tell you it is! The key is to target one every single day. Most people skip them over so the competition is low. You can often rank with just good on site optimization - low laying fruit, shit fruit laying on the ground ready to pick up.
Also make sure the long tail keywords You intend to choose or choosen in the title, in the first part of the content and a couple more times in the content. IMG ALT tag and H2 tag to round it off. Since you are going this daily make sure to interlink correctly.
Being consistent comes into play after some time. But imagine if you targeted a kw daily that "only" has a monthly search volume of 20. After 1 year you would be targeting about 260 keywords if you did it Mon - Fri every week.. 20 x 260 = 5,200 VERY TARGETED searches a month. If Your site optimization is up to scratch done properly you will be ranking on top for all of the keywords chosen.
This type of traffic will do better than more general keywords because these very low volume long tails are extremely targeted! When you think of the big picture this is such an easy thing to take action on. If you can't afford to outsource the article daily just write it first thing in the morning.. get up 15 min early to get it done. Just do it! This is such an easy way to increase your traffic but not with just any traffic. This is very targeted. Once you start to make money increase to 3-5 of these low search volume long tails. Most people just see the big search volume and don't want to put the effort into the low volume stuff. I'll clean house with that stuff all day long.
Hope some of You find this useful. Thanks for spending Your precious time in going through this, hope its helps from Your seeking angles. Its a bit wide but, worth it. GOOD LUCK AND THANK YOU!