[Hot] SEO in 2019: Your Top Goals

Forecasting is a major part of an SEO firm's work. As our blog's sponsor, Alex Stepman, of Stepman's SEO, says, "On any given day, I ask myself: How will search change in the coming months and years--and how can I help my clients evolve and compete?"

Another major part of an SEO firm's work is retrospection. Last year's performance can serve as a guide for this year's performance. A good SEO asks himself: What have we done and how can we make it better?

Goal-setting combines the the work of forecasting and retrospection. Taking the time now to set an outline for 2019 can help you execute effectively throughout the year. Part of goal-setting, too, is allocating money to certain strategies--strategies that minimize waste and maximize ROI.

Below we offer a few crucial goals for your 2019 SEO campaign. We believe allocating money to these strategies will  offer the best ROI in 2019.

Photo Source: Indeed SEO
Content, Content, Content

Assuming you already have a viable, optimized website, the perennial top strategy for any SEO campaign will be content production.

The key to assuring a ROI on content is investing in quality--and not necessarily quantity, though quantity works, too, if each piece maintains a certain level of quality. As Neil Patel notes: "The notion that writing more will boost your traffic and rankings only rings true if you don’t sacrifice quality."

So what type of content should you produce?

Text is still the best content source; and original, articulate, and intriguing writing will likely be your best option for placement on the SERP. The advantages of a text-heavy website also include other factors that effect website performance, like page speed and voice and mobile compatibility.

Read: "The Advantages of a Text-Heavy Website"

That said, text is not the only form of content, and in 2019 brands should express their unique qualities with a variety of content: not simply text but images and video. According to Cisco, in fact, video will make up 82% of all web traffic by 2021. At the very least, images and video can provide companionable content for text; on the other hand, though, the possibilities of image and video have yet to be fully explored.

Read: "SEO 101: How to Optimize Images"

Optimize for Voice Search 

50% of all searches will be voice by 2020 (source), and of those searches 35% will be without a screen (source). In 2019, you must optimize for today's information-hungry consumers, who search on a variety of platforms, including desktop, mobile, and voice assistants.

Yes, similar optimization techniques work for each platform. You don't need to reinvent the wheel to optimize for desktop and mobile and voice. But recognizing differences do exist, and optimizing pages for the prevailing medium, will amplify your ROI in 2019.

So right now, optimizing for voice is a good idea. To do so, you must focus on long-tail keywords, as outlined here: "Voice Search: What You Need to Know." Another focus should be featured snippet optimization, as outlined by Brian Dean here.

Mobile Optimization 

For some time now, the bulk of searches have occurred on mobile devices. And we recently reported on Google's transition to mobile-based index. As of December, the search engine uses mobile content "for over half of the pages shown in search results globally" (source).

For 2019, your optimization efforts must account for the mobile experience. At a minimum, this means each page must be optimized for mobile. Speed is very important, too. In introducing a "speed update" for mobile this past summer, Google said that "speed" is now a ranking factor for mobile sites.

Organic SEO with Stepman's SEO

If you're looking for an SEO company that understands how to effectively promote websites with content optimized for voice and mobile, we suggest contacting our sponsor, Stepman's SEO: 215-900-9398.

Stepman's SEO combines traditional marketing methods and organic SEO--with an emphasis on natural website optimization--to design thoughtful, inspiring, and effective content marketing campaigns.

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